Sunday, 6 November 2011

Acceleration, Cruising and Coming to a Stop

OK, so maybe I should compose some sort of introduction or something.  However, the intention of this blog is to dump stuff from my head which does not necessarily need to have any interaction, unlike a forum post.  I have a mini blog on Roses, but that too, intimates a form of interaction because it's contained within a forum.  So....

After visiting Leeds for the November LFF, some tranny life thoughts (TLTs) struck me today.  Most disappeared, transported away by Pink Senility (I'll need to discuss that sometime).  The thought below stuck.


I find it very hard to become Tanya.  I really need to be in the right mindset.  Doing the hair takes time (about 45mins), effort and concentration.  Then there's the shave.  Trying to get a close shave without looking like I've tried to eat a barbed wire salad.  Next make-up.  Then the decision on clothes, shoes accessories.  Especially when time is limited, I can find it a bit of a chore.


No comments about Hampstead Heath, please!!  Once I 'become' Tanya (being him and her may be noted in another post), it's easy.  I try to dress and act with the world so I won't be noticed.  I believe most of the time, I pass (although I now dislike that phrase) and I'm sure that most of the public don't clock I'm actually a male dressed in women's clothing and image.  Have to note that the clothes are MY clothes, not just anyones!! ;)


Removing Tanya takes even longer and is sometimes harder than the acceleration.  Spending so much time and effort getting to speed, I'm loathed to pull up to a halt straight away.  I allow the momentum to continue for a while.  Nail varnish and hair may stay for a few hours or usually overnight after the clothing and makeup have been put away.  Toe nail varnish may even stay for days or weeks.  Then there's the emotional braking.  Which again may be a subject of another future post.  But I will say driving down the A1 in heavy rain with tears cascading down my cheeks is sad but so much fun.

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