Tuesday 29 May 2012

Pink Pillows and the Lure of Baywatch

Don't know why, but something has kicked of a period of the Pink Pillows.  I think it started to build up on Saturday, ramped up during Sunday afternoon, hitting a crescendo that night; keeping the sleep fairy away so making me tired and grumpy at work Monday morning.  Even picking up the iPad with the intention of brain dumping or just making some notes didn't help.

Even now, Tuesday evening, it's still tormenting me.  Last night I just had to don a beautiful sky blue maxi dress to suppress some of the comfortable beating.  It's a crazy mentality.  My PP moments are so frustrating, so distracting and so tormenting.  And yet it's a wonderful, comfortable place to be.

I have an hair appointment tomorrow night, so I hope to get a T-fix post-do. Not sure what I'll do, but it would be nice to get out.  The laser treatment is still affecting my skin so a trip out would most likely be in the diminishing light.

Anyway, I'm up north again next weekend, in Newcastle.  The ever wonderful Jo is soon to enter the domain of parenthood and we are hoping to send her off in style :-).

In other news.  Well it's not really news, but the phrase sounds good anyway.

A few of my work colleagues regularly head off for a boozy weekend in Butlins.  It's not something which appeals to me.   I like the guys, but having seen them under the influence, I think I would feel uncomfortable with them on a night out.

For the next trip, they are going out dressed as Baywatch lifeguards.  One of the group has had to drop out due to work, so the 'perpetrator' (for want of a better word) asked me if I wanted to come along.  Then he said "We need a Pamela Anderson".  Well, in my current state of PPness, I so dearly want to go as Pam, but I know that would mean that my little hobby would be exposed.  How can I go out dressed as a girl, but making a bad enough job to hide my T-side.  I just cannot do it!  I need to present as perfectly as I can so I would also need to take my makeup kit, hair stuff, jewellery, etc.  Best to politely refuse.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think refusal may be the wisest option - much as it may chafe (oo-er).

    I hope the Pink Pillow attacks fade soon.
